Quadra Bikes 
30 Days of Pedal Power
"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race."
H.G. Wells
Something new is coming to Quadra Island. A month long event that holds out the promise of improved health and fitness, money saved, inner peace, loads of fun and a greener world. What is this thing that will reawaken your inner child and put a smile on your rosy sun-tanned face? QUADRA BIKES - 30 Days of Pedal Power, a month long event dedicated to the meeting of the human body and a perfect machine – the bicycle.
QUADRA BIKES will begin on May 27th and go until June 26th. Its aim is to encourage people of all ages and abilities to ride their bikes. If your bike has been collecting dust at the back of the garage for the last 5 years, it is a call to dig it out and ride to the neighbors, the store or workplace a few times a week. If you're already a committed cycling commuter, the challenge is to go car free; perhaps for a few days, a week, or even the whole month.
John F. Kennedy once said, "Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride." To assist in the pursuit of that simple pleasure, QUADRA BIKES will provide an online community where participants can encourage each other and share their experiences. Biweekly articles and rider profiles will appear in the Discovery Islander exploring topics around bike maintenance, safety, new habit forming, and the joy of cycling. Things will kick off with a bike float for the May Day parade and culminate in a month end celebration. In between there will be a variety of events to help keep riders motivated and to build cycling culture on the island.
So get ready to put some fun between your legs, hop on a saddle and show the world that QUADRA BIKES.