Hiking on Quadra Island
From the easy stroll out to the end of Rebecca Spit to the strenuous climb up to Nugedzi Lake, there are hiking trails for everyone on Quadra Island. Local volunteers under the guidance of the Quadra Island Trails Committee along with other ad hoc groups and individuals have worked hard to develop a network of superb hiking trails to some of the most spectacular corners of the Island.
Shoreline exploration can be found on Rebecca Spit, Shellaligan Pass, Maud Island, Kay Dubois and the Lighthouse trails; immerse yourself in the lush forest on the Morte Lake, Haskin Farm and Community Centre trails; hike to panoramic views up Chinese Mountains, Nugedzi Lake, Mt Seymour and Beeches Mountain trails.
New developments and planned trails include a new trail out to view the rushing tidal rapids at Surge Narrows, a superb hike on old logging grades and forest paths around Stramberg Lake through stands of rare old-growth Douglas Fir and Western Red Cedar trees some up to 2 metres (6 ft.) in diameter, That's 5.5 metres or 16ft around!
Remember, tread lightly! Use bridges where provided, logs or jump clear across creeks to prevent damage to sensitive salmon habitat. Please note that A.T.V.s and other mechanized vehicle use is illegal in provincial parks and discouraged on all designated hiking trails and mountain bike routes. Contact local A.T.V. users to find out appropriate places to ride or better yet, leave them at home.
For more information about hiking trails on Quadra Island look out for the Quadra Island trails map published by the Quadra Island Trails Committee< (the latest version is edition 4, 2014).
There is also an excellent network of mountain bike trails and routes on Quadra Island for more info click here. Adjacent Vancouver Island has some of the best hiking in British Columbia

1. Community Centre Trails Network of gentle hiking, mountain biking and horse riding trails in Blenkin Regional Park.
2. Haskin's Farm Pleasent walk through forest to old farm site and rocky beach.
3. Kay Dubois Easy hike along undeveloped beach. Awesome views across Sutil Channel of Cortes Island and Coast Mountains.
4.Cape Mudge Shoreline Follow beach or road between 100 yr old Cape Mudge lighthouse & Petroglyph Road. Weather and tide may make this route hazardous. Stop for lunch at TsaKwaLuten if the resort is open.
5. Heriot Ridge/Gowlland Harbour Maze of trails between Gowlland Harbour Rd & Hope Spring Rd. Great views near Hope Spring.
6. Missing Link - Eagle Ridge A gentle hike through forest above Gowlland Harbour.
7. Blindman's Bluff trails
8. Chinese Mountains Justly popular hike to stunning view of Rebecca Spit, Coast Mountains & Vancouver Island.
9. Beech's Mountain Spur trail from Chinese Mountains trail climbs higher on forested and open bluffs to panoramic views.
10. Morte Lake Moderate hike around scenic lake and 2nd growth forest. Spur trail to Maud Island and Ripple Rock lookout.
11. Maude Island One of Quadra's newer trails and a supberb long day hike out to see the roaring tidal rapids sweeping through Seymour Narrows, a major shipping lane and site of the famous Ripple Rock explosion when a deadly navigation hazard was obliterated in the largest ever man-made explosion in 1958
12. Nugedzi Lake Great hike! A long, steady climb with excellent views awaiting at the top and old growth forest across the high plateau.
13. Mt Seymour Alternate to more popular Nugedzi Lake trail. Can be included as part of a loop hike, most direct route to summit of Mount Seymour.
14. Newton Lake/Small Inlet Beautiful moderate hike, up to lake. Trail continues down to Small Inlet joining up with the Wiatt Bay - Small Inlet Portage trail.
15. Shellaligin Pass Coastal hiking trail through lush 2nd growth forest to exquisite coves, beaches & along rocky shoreline. Great views.
16. Surge Narrows One of the newer trails constructed on Quadra this forest excursion follows the shoreline from the end of the 'Surge Road' to a lookout alongside the roaring tidal rapids that race through the small islets of Surge Narrows Marine Park. For best effect check the Tide and Current tables to find a time with high water flows. But beautiful at any time.
17. Vic's Marsh - Stramberg Giants Not an 'official' trail but nevertheless a wonderful, walk on old logging grade and horse trails along the edge of Quadra's most significant wetland into the southern part of Main Lake provincial park. Links with the Stramberg Lake Big Trees at an unmarked junction. Take care around this sensitive eco-system. Unmarked and not maintained.
More information can be found here>